Job Fair

12:16 6 Comments A+ a-

Hello Reader, Hoping that you had a great weekend. I did and now its monday. I had to do this post and share this urgent information tha some people may need. 

Are you out of school or almost done with college? Okay, then you must be all dreamy and ready to get that Job you so want. 

If you are out of college or almost out of college, then I know how we all start getting those butterflies of achieving all our plans. You start imagining how you are going to move out (if you were staying with your parents or was in a hostel), how your house will look like, how you are going to start buying beautiful stuffs and all those fantasies. You dream about all this because you know you are going to get a job then get money and be independent. 

If you are lucky to know people who know people in companies, then you might just secure a job. However, there are those who are not that lucky, and they have to struggle to get these jobs. They start from sending CVs and physically dropping them. And it is not all applications that get responses.  

But who said you have to get employed to make it? I believe anyone can make it. One can achieve anything he or she wants. So if you are a person who wants to start his or her business, you can go ahead and start it up. We all have amazing and powerful ideas, but sometimes many fail to go ahead because of capital. This should not be a problem because we have several initiatives out there that help small entrepreneurs. For example, I know of TUKOWORKS, an initiative by Microsoft. You should check it (not just those who want to start up, but if you want to study online for free, Scholarships or find jobs). 

Back to the main subject for this post, which is the job fair. There is a BIG job fair in town (this Saturday and Sunday). All you need is to be confident, smart, and ready to sell yourself to big organizations. It is an opportunity for anyone seeking employment to interact with the ICT industry players, but they are also trying to involve the business fraternity in their showcase. So you only need to apply and get the ticket. Click here for more details or this for the ticket You will only get one minute to sell yourself to potential employees so make that minute count!

Get in touch soon.
 Have a great week


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23 February 2015 at 15:35 delete

Thank you for this wonderful piece, I love the shoes in the shot! 😊

23 February 2015 at 16:38 delete

I am glad to share, thank you

24 February 2015 at 15:20 delete

Great post. Anyone can sure make it, to all those under pressure on the next step after school.

24 February 2015 at 15:36 delete

Yea, there is alot of pressure, but who said you cant make it? no one.
Thanks for droppin by Linet. Will definitely do the same

25 February 2015 at 08:54 delete

thank you Linet

You blog is great too..still checking it out
